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IELTS Writing task 2 Essay Writing : Sample Answer #10

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Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social and commercial perspectives.
What are the causes of these pressures?
What measures should be taken to reduce this?
It is no surprise that in the recent times, children have to confront immense stress with regards to their studies, from society as well as from a commercial aspect. Many reasons have surfaced through investigations; however, a few remedial steps can help to lessen the distress. Both, the causes and the solutions are discussed further.
Body 1
Analysing the causes, the most observed one is that the schools overload children with enormous syllabus and frequent examinations. Consequently, children feel stressed, anxious and also show signs of depression in some cases. To add fuel to the fire, there are emotional pressures from parents as well as other members of the society. These days, parents and extended families expect perfection in terms of academics and social skills in their children. The young minds are constantly loaded with comparisions and criticism to perform the best. Moreover, the schools, coaching institutes along with other commercial establishments take children as trophies. This is to state that the children are demanded to perform more than their ability. Metaphorically, all children have to be toppers so the educational foundations continue to thrive in the market.
Body 2
However, the situation can be governed by implementing a few worthwhile steps. The most rewarding is that parents must alter their mindset to love their children unconditionally. They should spend more quality time with the young to understand them better, accept their level in academics and to make efforts to improve them, not to compel them. The tender age group would feel happy and contented with the love and warmth they receive. Besides parents, the learning organizations must also modify their attitude. The academia should focus on teaching than competition; as well as less compelling syllabus. This will lead the young to unwind and enjoy the knowledge transfer. The wise members of the society along with the social scientists plus the government must consider the mental and physical health of the children as prime. I believe, the tender minds should not be robbed away of their childhood joys.
To sum up, it is indeed true that in today's time, children are burdened with more pressures from many sphere of life. Overwhelming school studies, parental pressure and the bulldoze for performance from learning institutions must be immediately curbed in good faith. The compulsion to win the race in the materialistic world must never dominate the innocence of childhood.

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