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IELTS Writing task 2 Essay Writing : Sample Answer #2

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Nowadays many women are joining the police and military forces. However, some people believe that these jobs are not suitable for women.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
It has been observed and noted that many women enroll in the vigilance as well as in the defense these days. Although, some may not mind, there are a few who do protest and perceive that these work types are not appropriate for the weaker sex. Both the opinions would be analyzed before I voice my view.
Body 1
Examining the former view, people who support women in police and armed forces have some valid arguments. As per them, no job in the world is outrightly monopolized by a single gender. In fact, any choice of work depends on individual skills, abilities and inclination. Every individual woman has a right to present herself in any sector. Moreover, there has been a phenomenal contribution of women in several Male-dominated industries. Besides this, with education and globalization, societies all over have advanced and therefore the traditional roles and gender bias have been challenged and also overpowered.
Body 2
Despite this, the group that votes against the idea has their own claim. To begin with, they counter argue that fundamentally women are biologically a weaker sex. Their physical strength may almost never outweigh as that of men. This proves a drawback for such jobs. Apart from strength, it is also true that women make mothers. This means, with employment in police or military, it would prove cumbersome for them to live away from their families for long, raise children and handle domestic affairs.
To sum up and offer my opinion, I favor the view that women can work in police and the defense. In case they qualify through all the filters and match the prerequisites, there should no second thoughts on this. I believe, as good mothers and efficient professionals, women can also become outstanding police officers and military commandos.

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